MSO has Given the McLaren 765LT a Wild Color Scheme


“It is fearsomely, intimidatingly fast. The way it fires itself across the second half of the rev range, coloured LEDs lighting up as you home in on a limiter you wish would cut in now to give you some respite from the relentless shove, is deeply affecting.

“The 765LT is not one for the faint-hearted.”

Now, you know how nature works. Things with a ferocious or venomous side tend to alert you with a bright array of colours across their body. Perhaps McLaren was taking notes, for this is the 765LT wearing MSO’s new ‘Strata Theme’. It is bold. You can’t say it’s not warning you…

“The extreme performance ethos of LT is brought to life,” says McLaren. “The vibrant colour, flawless fade and bold, hand-stencilled graphics give the car a sense of energy and velocity, even while at rest.”

Feeling suitably prepared? Then go watch our video review of a slightly more timidly painted 765LT…

By: Stephen Dobie, Oct. 1, 2020


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